International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM) - German Section
March 2nd, 2002
The Honorable Mr. Richard May
Judge at the ICTY, The Hague
Fax: 0031-70-5125345
Your Honour,
We, the panelists of the colloquium "The ´Milosevic Case´ - The International Criminal Jurisdiction and the New Wars of the Great Powers", held today in Berlin, regret that Mr. Milosevic is severely restricted in his basic legal right as a defendent to unhampered consultation with advisors of his choice and freedom to defend his case also through communication with the media. Our colloquium took place in the City Hall of the Schoeneberg District of Berlin and was attended by approximately 200 people.
We urge you to grant Mr. Milosevic´s request to be released in order to continue to prepare his defence under minimal conditions of fairness.
Contact: Klaus Hartmann, Schillstraße 7, D-63067 Offenbach am Main, T/F: 069 - 83 58 50; e-mail: